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Alle erstellten Inhalte von planetwingman

  1. Hey guys (sorry my German is bad so I'm with English right now). Age: 28 Interests: Daygame, possibly some night game but I'm currently trying to improve daygame Experience: Experienced night game, beginner daygame So I'm here because I'm looking for a wingman. I've been daygaming in Stuttgart, but I've found that hot girls walking around by themselves is very rare here for some reason. Pairs, however, are very common. I want someone to game with, experience doesn't matter as long as you want to improve.
  2. Hey guys, sorry only English (I can speak a bit of poor German :P). So I'm relatively new at day game, but a pretty experienced night gamer. I've been pulling daygame approaches in Stuttgart with mixed success (trying to avoid nightgame since I'm always hungover after), but my main hangup is a lack of a wingman. Finding a hot girl by herself in this city is very difficult for some reason, but pairs of hot ones are all over. So I think with a good wingman, we could get some great action going on. PM me if you're interested. My main areas are the mall and city center.