I'm Toni, a spanish PUA. I'm here to learn about the german scene, and give you some of my knowledge. I'll be in Berlin in august, and it would be awesome to hang out with you guys. If I have understood well, you are discussing the truth-lie routine. Well, let me share with you the most powerful routine of this kind I've ever used. Maybe you have already heard of it...It's called "the five questions" PUA: I have a way of finding out if someone is being honest with me (if she takes the bait, efectiveness almost guaranteed) HB: (Takes the bait) PUA: This is it: five questions, you must lie to all of them. Ready? (Add some thrill) And here comes the real deal. First two or three questions, you must ask obvious things. E. G. What's the color of this? Where are we? Etc. The next question must be related to something about her, very in her deep. E.g. what's your name? ...and that's why she won't lie, so you win the game, and earn some Value. In case it doesn't happen, you can always say: wow!! You are really good at this!!...hmm...how many questions have I made? She really won't lie at this. So you win anyways :) Let me know your opinión, fellas.