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1393 Profilansichten
  1. TXTXX

    Hallo ihr suessen Streber ;)

    Hey, ich hab heute so dicke Lust, da faellt mir beinah die Hose runter beim Autofahren. Da gibts eine schoene City-Toilette bei Alexanderplatz, vielleicht will jemand mir dort eine schnell verpassen, weist :) Bissl schnuzi und muzi es immer gut fuers Herz. Tschuessi ihr suessen.
  2. @SouuL ---- Genau. Das ist sozusagen eine Zusammenarbeit. Eine super art von Motivation und Wingman-Arbeit. @MAlbert33 ---- Lass uns ueber PM.
  3. Meine Geschichte: Ein junger Mann erfuhr seit einem Jahr ueber Pickup. Er hatte schon ein paar Erfolge gehabt aber ist eigentlich unzufrieden mit seinem jetztigen Fortschritt im Bezug auf Night + Daygame. Er ist vor einer Woche in Berlin angekommen, weil hier die Clubs am besten sind. Leider reicht das Geld nicht aus fuer ein teures "Bootcamp" in DE oder sonstwo. Da dachte ich mir, hmmmmmm...wieso mach ich denn nicht mein eigenes Bootcamp? Ich kann doch mit Hilfe eines Wingmans die gleichen Sachen machen. Der Plan, siehe unten: "" Just had a boot camp with Julien, Tyler, and Todd of RSD. The only question that really matters is "how are you going to keep yourself from backsliding and 'needing' to spend another $2,000 to have guys teach you how not to feel ashamed of yourself in front of random girls?" I have a feeling that they probably left that part out. Here's an alternative if you're reading this and you can't (or for some bizarre reason, don't want to) afford to throw away two thousand bucks on a boot camp: The $2,000 Wingman Game 1- Find a wingman or someone who you can trust to hold your money for a night out. 2- Select at least three venues to hit over the course of a night. 3a- Make a list of five actions that would ordinarily inspire teeth-chattering fear and face-reddening shame for you that specifically deal with your insecurities around women and sex. Make sure that at least two of those actions involve opening a set solo (that is, without the security blanket of your wingman to fall back on). 3b- Once both of you have made your own lists, exchange the lists with each other so that you have his, and he has yours. Most importantly, give him your $2,000. If he's playing the game as well, now's the time for him to hand over his lump sum (probably better to write a check if you can, rather than exchange cash, for obvious reasons). 4- Go to venue number one. 5- Pick an easy set. Select the least socially frightening or embarrassing item from your list. Make sure that your wingman is watching, and tell him that you're going to do that action. 6- Open the set, and at some point, perform the action from your list. If you don't do the action, your wingman gets to keep your $2,000. 7- Bounce across all three venues; repeat steps four through six over the course of the night with sets of escalating difficulty and/or diminishing likelihood of being considered attractive by the girls. 8- At the end of the night, go to a diner or somewhere to hang out and debrief with your wingman. Compare lists. For each item that you accomplished, have your wingman cross it off the list. If your wingman hands you back the sheet with any items remaining undone, he keeps your $2,000. If he hands you back the list with all items crossed off: congratulations. You have just survived the first night of Fight Club. 9- Optional: once you're safely back at home, start a journal and write down your experiences before, during and after performing each "frightening/embarrassing" action. It's better to write while the memories are fresh in your mind. Make sure to tag each entry in your journal by date so that you can track your progress. I'll go one step further and give you a foolproof guarantee of success. 100% Foolproof Success Guarantee: If you make it through the whole night and do each of the items on your list, the full $2,000 amount will be refunded to you (if your wingman was trustworthy; if not, the guarantee is void for having disobeyed step 1.) If you did not make it through your list, your wingman keeps the $2,000 and you learn the lesson the hard way, no exceptions. This is a success guarantee -- you only get your money back if you succeed. P.S. If you fail and lose your $2,000, don't feel too bad; you've just done the equivalent of taking an RSD bootcamp. On the bootcamp: Anything that pushed me out of my comfort zone (Read the last comment I made). Other ones included sending me back into sets that were WAY over just to do it. Putting me in "detention". This meant that I could not get phone numbers or fuck any girls for the night. It forced me to focus on the process and focus on myself. It's a great exercise. Julien made me do RIDICULOUS shit. If I was dancing with a girl he would make me lick her face or dry hump her in front of everyone. Anything that made me cringe with fear he would make me do. I am so happy that he forced me to do all of that crazy shit because I grew as a result. I expanded who I was and literally changed my identity. The feeling of breaking through these comfort zones was so intense that I nearly cried at the end of it. I felt lighter and more free than I ever have. I pulled on the third night. "" Wenn ihr zu dumm sind um Englisch zu verstehen :) unten ist eine Zusammenfassung. KONZEPT: Ich will in 3 Tagen das machen was ich sonst erst in 1 oder 2 Jahren machen wuerde. Als Wingman musst du ALLES machen was der andere Wingman dir sagt (wenn es machbar ist). Egal wie peinlich. ODER du gibts den Wingman am Anfang eine Liste von den Sachen die du machen willst. So wie in einem echten Bootcamp. Sonst wenn du nicht etwas bis zum Ende des Tages/Nacht machst, behaelt dein Wingman deine 300 Euro und umgekehrt. Simpel. (muss man mit Cheque oder anderes machen - wir kriegen's schon hin). **In anderen Worten - ich suche einen Wing** Interessiert? Ich will am besten dieses Wochenende anfangen....schicke mir eine PM.