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Hey Jungs, Mein Name ist Arshak, ich bin 19 Jahre alt. Ich bin für wingman in Basel. Ich bin sehr aktiv und soziale, keine AA haben. so zögern Sie nicht, mich zu kontaktieren. Prost Arshak
Hey guys, My name is Arshak, I have written quite a lot of posts in Swiss archive. Usually I am writing to find a wingman. Personally I live in Basel right now. But as far as I notice, people check out my posts (which is nice). But no one don't even like to take a chance. Guys I am not a serial killer, the reason I would like to find a wing is cause, it's more fun, I can share my experience, my friendship and finally have a very cool time with that person. I am 19 years old, very social, outgoing without any approaching anxiety guy. So, here is the question do you want t continue to jerk off to porn? Or do you want to meet me and have so much fun with me by talking to beautiful women, and breaking all your fears? I think 2nd one sounds better option!! Don't hesitate to contact me, unless your homosexual (if you are really don't write me :D ). Cheers Arshak :)
ToTheTopThanks though :)
Cause, I am not using it. And I am just looking for one wingman, and we are making a such a big deal out of this. I speak very fluently in languages I really need, and I use. And don't take this the wrong way but swiss is not one of them. So probably if I will make a new swiss friends, I might get a chance to learn some.
Well, I am not using swiss at all. And even though I don't know swiss. I still had swiss girlfriends, and they were fine that I was talking in English. So yeah, I still think that's an excuse that guys bring up!
oh man, well, is that an excuse not to get a new wingman? You never know who is in front of you, may be it's a fucking great seductive, and awesome guy, from who you can probably learn a lot. So I don't take it as an answer.
What if I don't know German!!
Hey guys, All dudes from Basel, if there is anyone, Who would like to be my wingman? Please feel free to contact to me!!! My number bellow (also whatsapp) +41788139271
Hey man, in which city are you looking for your wing? If Basel than I am here for you, feel free to write me :)
Hey guys, My name is Arshak, I am living in Basel, I am 18 years old. I am looking for the guys who can do crazy staff on the street. Also including talking to chicks. So if you are shy creepy weirdo don't write me you perves. Just kidding don't hesitate, I don't really mind write me anyway. +41788139271 (also Whatsapp) See ya later, Cheers Arshak
Hey man if you are still intersted, please feel free to contact me! I am in game/seduction already 7 months. (078 813 92 71)
Hey guys, Looking for the wingman in Basel for daygame. I am 18 years old very active and don't have any approach anxiety. Here is my number, please feel free to contact me also whatsapp 0788139271 Cheers Arshak
Hey guys, I am looking for the wingman to do daygame or even nightgame in area Mannheim or Heidelberg. As you see I can't really talk German, so I alwayse talk in English with girls. Please feel free to contact me, so we might can help each other to improve in game :)
Hey man, Also looking for the wingman, I can't talk in german neither. But however I like that you push your comfort zones, give me your number, facebook or whatever, and we can game together
Hello guys, I am 20 years old, living in Mannheim. looking for someone for a pick up buddy to do a daygame here. So please contact me in comments below :) Cheers, Arshak
Hey guys, I am looking for someone to do a daygame together in Mannheim.