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Alle erstellten Inhalte von ieni

  1. Name: yeni Age: 29 About me: Alien in Hannover. Looking for wingmen. Hello, guys. Nice to have met you on this forum. I am not a local in Hannover. I am here with my company on a project and it is planned to live here for three months. Quite a long time if you think it is a quarter of a year, a whole season. I'm 29, from Romania, telecom engineer. I think my advantage is the "foreigner's advantage". I realised the girls are more open if you aproach them in English - I would not have any other option since I do not speak German. I approached some girls, get two phone numbers, but not any date yet. The thing is I am alone here and the guys from office seem quite settled down, maybe some of them with families already. So, going to ask them for a night out in a disco/club does not seem normal. I am looking some guys to go out with to meet some pretty, smart and funny girls. And if the girls are in med school would be perfect . So, message me on private or bellow and let's meet. Cheers, Yeni