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Falls sich noch nicht rumgesprochen hat - kommt aus DDR-Laboren:
Der Große Vorsitzende Trump hat geraten, Corona als Fake-News zu behandeln. Der Große Vorsitzende Trump gibt Einblicke in sein Seelenleben. Errinnert irgendwie an Auch der Führer kann frrröhlich sein. [Wenn das bißchen zuu lustig ist, gern rauseditieren] On topic: Tropical Island haben wir Glück gehabt https://www.welt.de/vermischtes/article206196549/Coronavirus-Patient-in-Tropical-Islands-91-Mitarbeiter-getestet.html
Nase. Deppen, die glauben sich mit undichtem Stück Papier zu schützen, schützen wenigstens andere "aus Versehen" mit. So war gemeint.
Vermute Inkompetenz bei Jens Spahn & Co: Krankenhäuser in keinster Weise vorbereitet (OP-Masken vor Tagen alle). Gibt also nichtmal Zwangs-Tests für Reinkommende aus den Hauptgebieten. Ex wollte sich nach Italien-Aufenthalt testen lassen (Südtirol, direkt neben Lombardy): "Nö, war kein Gefährdungsgebiet".
Der Huster gibt auch relativ wenig ab durch die Maske. Reverse-protection.
Du hast das mit dem Internet noch nicht so ganz raus?
Guter Beitrag (und Lanz stört fast gar nicht). "Italien ist Teil von Deutschland" - vergißt man immer ganz gern, daß da einfach keine Grenze mehr ist.
Ideen, um gut mit (eigenen) Kindern umzugehen
Jingang antwortete auf Jingang's Thema in Persönlichkeitsentwicklung
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Seitensprung mit der Kollegin und nun?
Jingang antwortete auf playya's Thema in Affären & Freundschaft+
Berichte mal, ob und wie sie sich rauslügen konnte (geh ich von aus, Zehner drauf).- 79 Antworten
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Wie geht man mit diesem Opener um ?
Jingang antwortete auf Pickup007's Thema in Anfänger der Verführung
Perfide!!!11! -
Wie komm ich aus der psychologischen Zwickmühle
Jingang antwortete auf GamenderGamer's Thema in Anfänger der Verführung
Das sind fast alle. Und gut sind sie deswegen noch lange nicht. Ich stell mir das bißchen wie bei Lehrern vor - wieviele waren wirklich gut?- 30 Antworten
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Naja. Ich glaub wir kriegen jetzt auch unsere Packung ab. Mal sehen, was die nächsten 5 Tage bringen.
Wie komm ich aus der psychologischen Zwickmühle
Jingang antwortete auf GamenderGamer's Thema in Anfänger der Verführung
Scheint so unsystematisch nerviger Ansatz zu sein. Also paßt ja zu den Amboizussen dieser Welt, aber ungetriebene Rationalos? @Aldous Also angenommen ich geh zu so einem Therapeuten. Dann will ich da nicht planlos palavern und mich "entwickeln wenn ich will" und es "muß ja nichts bei rauskommen". Dann will ich einen systematischen Ansatz, meine Probleme anzugehen. Klar muß man sich da auch Zeit geben. Aber Zielorientiertheit und auch bißchen Push bekommen bei den Dingen, die ich nicht sehe/vermeide (deswegen geht man da hin) würd ich da schon haben wollen. Ich mein was soll der Scheiß sonst? Eine andere Perspektive gibt nichts her, wenn ich das nicht wissen will. Und an den Punkt - Vermeidung der Auseinandersetzung mit dem "Problem" kommt jede Therapie. Logischerweise, sonst braucht man keine und könnte das auch mit sich klären. Für den Bund der Getriebenen @Ambizious @Katzenjunge ist es natürlich nichts, sich neuem Treiben auszusetzen.- 30 Antworten
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Wie komm ich aus der psychologischen Zwickmühle
Jingang antwortete auf GamenderGamer's Thema in Anfänger der Verführung
Das ist dann kein guter Kumpel per Definition. Aber ist was dran.- 30 Antworten
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Mit folgenden Stichworten gekennzeichnet:
Wie komm ich aus der psychologischen Zwickmühle
Jingang antwortete auf GamenderGamer's Thema in Anfänger der Verführung
Das ist das Wort mit dem Tippfelher, daß du nicht verstehst.- 30 Antworten
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Sterben ist nicht das Problem. Lockdown schon. Obwohl. Endlich mal Ruhe in der City. Eigentlich cool.
Wie komm ich aus der psychologischen Zwickmühle
Jingang antwortete auf GamenderGamer's Thema in Anfänger der Verführung
Wo ist der Unterschied zu gutem Kumpel? Scheint so unsystematisch nerviger Ansatz zu sein. Also paßt ja zu den Amboizussen dieser Welt, aber ungetriebene Rationalos?- 30 Antworten
- psychogame
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Falls wer so Serien kennt: https://www.theatlantic.com/photo/2020/02/photos-empty-streets-china-amid-coronavirus-outbreak/606064/
Link posten geht leider nicht, ernstzunehmende Quelle, recherchiert sauber und war bis Corona in China: The virus It’s been some time since the world was alarmed about the new virus. Many theories have been discussed in media regarding its origins, basically all pointing at the Huanan Seafood Market in Wuhan as the place where the epidemics started. Most made direct parallels to the origins of SARS, which was caused by a virus from the same family of coronaviruses as the 2019-nCoV, carried originally by bats, infecting civets, where the virus mutated and infected people – the first person infected with the virus causing SARS in 2002 was a farmer in Shunde district in Foshan in southern China. Hence many believed it was also the case for the current epidemics. The videos showing people eating bat soup, tasting bat meat enhanced the opinion – although according to scientists the virus does not jump directly from bats to humans, it needs an intermediate host. There were speculations what kind of animal it could be – some suggested snake – which was highly improbably as apparently coronaviruses cannot survive in coldblooded animals, they need a homeothermic host. Some suggested a pangolin, one of the most endangered species in China, valued for its scales, important ingredient in many TCM drug formulas. All this fit perfectly the stereotype of those “bad Chinese eating wild endangered animals”, and was soon picked up by media all over the world. Huanan marked was closed on January 1st, first sign something went wrong there. The Chinese expert who came to Wuhan on January 21 was surprised to see the Huanan market wiped clean. Professor Guan Yi, the expert who found the source of SARS 17 years ago, left Wuhan after only one day, extremely disappointed and in fear. All possible traces were destroyed, there was no way to find the source of the virus. However three days later an important information was revealed. “The Lancet”, a respected medical journal, published an article written by Chinese scientists directly involved with the research into the new virus. The article “Clinical features of patients infected with 2019 novel coronavirus in Wuhan, China” explained: “27 (66%) of 41 patients had been exposed to Huanan seafood market”; but a more shocking information can be found in one of the graphs accompanying the article: graph b “Huanan seafood market exposure” shows clearly that out of the first four cases three were not related to the market – and what’s most important the very first – patient Zero - was _not_ related either. The conclusion is clear: the virus did _not_ originate from Huanan seafood market. Somehow mainstream media did not pay much attention to this information, and in fact are still mentioning the market as the source of the virus - and keep on putting the blame for the epidemics on the Chinese taste for exotic wild animals, which in fact is not common and very exaggerated. In the light of the contents of the article it is not true, the virus came from somewhere else as the first infected patient, patient Zero, had no exposure to the market. What mainstream media ignored was soon picked up by the conspiracy theorists, both in China and abroad. Many authors would made claims that the virus was not a creation of mother nature, but rather of scientists, who played with matches and set the house on fire. Their claims had in fact a solid basis. On November 9th, 2015 (and updated on April 6, 2016), a team of scientists published in “Nature Medicine” an article titled “A SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses shows potential for human emergence”. [https://www.nature.com/articles/nm.3985; full text can be found here: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4797993/…] In the introduction section the authors say: “(…) we generated and characterized a chimeric virus expressing the spike of bat coronavirus SHC014 in a mouse-adapted SARS-CoV backbone. The results indicate that group 2b viruses encoding the SHC014 spike in a wild-type backbone can efficiently use multiple orthologs of the SARS receptor human angiotensin converting enzyme II (ACE2), replicate efficiently in primary human airway cells and achieve in vitro titers equivalent to epidemic strains of SARS-CoV. Additionally, in vivo experiments demonstrate replication of the chimeric virus in mouse lung with notable pathogenesis. Evaluation of available SARS-based immune-therapeutic and prophylactic modalities revealed poor efficacy; both monoclonal antibody and vaccine approaches failed to neutralize and protect from infection with CoVs using the novel spike protein.” I must admit reading it while sitting in the Chinese city, one impacted by the 2019-nCoV, was horrifying. And it still is, no matter if the virus engineered in the lab is the one the world has been combating for the last month, or it's just a pure coincidence. There is one thing worth paying attention to: among the authors of the article were two Chinese scientists: Ge Xingyi and Shi Zhengli. Both – as the article states – of the Key Laboratory of Special Pathogens and Biosafety, Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan, China. A 10-minute long video with lecture by Shi Zhengli went viral on Chinese internet as early as in January. She was discussing her research into viruses carried by bats, how she and her team were searching for the species carrying viruses similar to those that caused SARS. Back then the lecture allowed many netizens to understand the source and mechanics of transmission of the viruses from bats to humans - and was warmly received. However with time the suspicion rose. The articles I have mentioned above were found by Chinese netizens, who began to question what role Shi and the laboratory she worked for could play in relation to the new coronavirus, how involved they were. On February 2nd she made a statement which was published on many online websites, including famous for its investigative reports Caixin. She said: “The 2019 novel coronavirus is the punishment by nature to humans’ unsanitary life style. I promise with my life that the virus has nothing to do with the lab.” Article denying the possibility the virus was engineered in the lab was published in Global Times on February 3. [https://www.globaltimes.cn/content/1178363.shtml] However the question about patient Number One has never been answered. In recent days new online articles suggested that patient Number One – or rather “Patient Zero” as it’s been later referred to - was a Huang Yanling, who graduated from Wuhan Institute of Virology in 2015. There was only name Huang on the page on which photos and brief bios of each of her classmates could be found. All other classmates but her. This only rose suspicion. This information was immediately denied by Shi Zhengli personally, who said: “I can promise that not a single person was infected at our institute, including graduate students. We have zero infection cases.” [https://www.globaltimes.cn/content/1179675.shtml] Huang’s supervisor Wei Hongping also confirmed Huang was well and working in another province. Apparently Huang sent a message to the group of her classmates they set on QQ communicator, saying: “Dear teachers and classmates, I have not spoken here for a long time. I am Huang Yanling, still alive (LOL smiley). If you receive any message, what is says will not be true.” The netizens soon found out her response was sent a day before the article refuting the rumour was published, which of course does not prove anything, although everybody hopes Huang could be found and through public appearance prove it’s all just fake news - and clear the institute of any suspicion. Whether she would be willing to do it is another issue though. If the article published in “The Lancet” is to be trusted Patient Zero was male: “The symptom onset date of the first patient identified was Dec 1, 2019. None of _his_ family members developed fever or any respiratory symptoms. ” Professor Zhong Nanshan, famous for his research regarding SARS and the one who back in 2003 boldly stood up and revealed that the dangerous virus and epidemics were not a western media propaganda but real danger, was interviewed by Reuters recently. He makes it rather clear the virus did not come from the Huanan market; “This kind of disease may have existed earlier (…) but it’s a new virus…that nobody took more attention to” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Obim5n1iPs&app=desktop The question about origins of the virus and Patient Zero still remains unanswered. UPDATE: "Gene analysis debunks lab-made claims In a preprint publication yesterday, an international group of virologists detailed the evidence that the virus that causes COVID-19 is not lab made or artificially manipulated. Based on their analysis of the genome, they described its notable features and scenarios that likely led to its evolution. They proposed two scenarios: natural selection in a host animal before the virus jumped to humans, or natural selection in humans following transmission from animals to people." http://www.cidrap.umn.edu/…/more-outbreak-details-emerge-co… http://virological.org/t/the-proximal-origin-of-sars-co…/398
Digitales Nomadentum - Freelancer (Programmieren) Einige Fragen
Jingang antwortete auf Mujeriego89's Thema in Karriere & Finanzen
Schmeiß doch mal paar Namen für so LowCode DB-Systeme, die überall laufen, wie heißen die Standard-Dinger? Das was ich gefunden hab, sagt mir alles nix. Stelle mir das Klinkenputzen beim Mittelstand schwer vor. Ich mein, die schicken sich noch per Email Excel-Tabellen, 100 Jahre nach Samba/Dropbox u online-Offices.. "Real men own FABs" BTW 😉 -
Digitales Nomadentum - Freelancer (Programmieren) Einige Fragen
Jingang antwortete auf Mujeriego89's Thema in Karriere & Finanzen
Ja. Fehlt das -script Wort 😉