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Alle erstellten Inhalte von Flows

  1. Sacht mal wie alt ist "der hohe Norden" denn eigentlich so im Durchschnitt? Nachdem ich kürzlich an der Uni das erste Mal ge"sie"tzt worden bin hab ich immer ein wenig Angst gefragt zu werden "was ich Opa denn will". Ich sag dann zwar immer: "die Jugend von heute...kein Respekt mehr vor dem Alter" aber es trifft mich doch tief im Innersten. Bearbeitet mal Eure Profile Ihr Pfeifen ;) VG, Flows "If you want to lead the orchestra you have to turn your back on the crowd"
  2. Flows


    Hey Mephisto, bin zwar neu auf diesem Board, würde aber gerne einen "Bekannten" von mir zitieren, der kürzlich zu diesem Thema etwas auf einem anderen Board gepostet hat. Es ging dabei ursprünglich um die Situation, dass ein HB zu einem Date nicht aufgetaucht ist und sich auch nicht abgemeldet hat (und um den mangelnden Respekt den sie einem dadurch entgegenbringt). Ich denke Deine Situation ist/war ähnlich. Bin gespannt ob Du sie trotzdem gekriegt hast. Dücke Dir die Daumen. <How I would handle it is to not acknowledge it. What I mean is do not call her and whine. Do not even mention it or bring it up. If she is the kind of woman who didn't call to alert you then she isn't worth another moment of your time. This shows her lack of respect to men. The way you start is the way you will finish it. She is starting out with a total lack of respect then why even continue it. It will only get worse. Something in your game didn't grab her attention and command respect from her in the beginning so you can only Blame yourself. If she see's you at another date and tries to appolgize, I would say something to what I talked about above. "You know what Suzzie, I'm sure your a nice person, but your not the type of woman that I want in MY life. You didn't even bother to pick up the phone to call me and show some common decency and respect? Well it so happens that I did something else instead and met a great woman who does know how to show common courtesy. So I wish you well in live and hope that you have learned something from this. To you it might not be that serious but to me I take my life serious. So good luck to ya." Then turn your back and walk away! This will serve to teach her a lesson for the next guy. Don't bow to her just cause she is fine...this is why she did this to begin with and chumps haven't been calling her on her shit...it's time for her to learn and pay. Men we are these women's teachers. And it's about time we started to retrain them in how to treat us as men. Flows: I guess the hardest part for most of us is to let her potentially fine ass go. We have to get used to not seeing hot chicks as a 'scarce resource'.> [Pah. Die Sache ist nur, dass grade eben jemand ein Treffen mit mir ausgemacht hat :) jetzt rate mal wer?