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  1. Hi guys, I just came back from Kiev, Ukraine and I must admit - it was gorgeous. Nowhere else I've seen so much beautiful chicks like in Kiev. With tall legs, sexy bodies and beautiful faces. I spend 2 weeks there and got 5 lays from 7#closes, all of the girls were 8+, some of them models by D&G, Gucci etc. Should I tell more? Great nightlife, clubs are also open during the week, cheap and tasty food and accommodation, a lot of historical sightseeing and GIRLS, GIRLS, GIRLS. Everywhere: on the streets, in bars and cafes, parks, nightclubs. All of the girls spoke English, some of them also German. It was really easy to communicate; I was approached many times by chicks and number closed from them. Oh, these gorgeous bodies, these tall legs. Check the pictures from the clubs. I'm planning to go there once more and I think that would be an awesome place for the Euro Summit 2006. We need some good lays this summer gentlemen. Peace brothers and sarge on, Lifestyle aka Viktor_Germany
  2. 0. Der Beginn 1. Die Frauen waren von Anfang an dabei! 2. Und haben schnell mitgemacht 3. Was wir sofort gemerkt haben 4. Start klar! 5. Die Frauen kamen auf uns zu... 6. Und wollten uns etwas schenken 7. Genau so! 8. Unter unseren Führung 9. Kammen mehrere Mädels auf uns zu 10. ... 11. ... 12. Manche haben nachgedacht... 13. Andere gehandelt. 14. Manche waren beindruckt. 15. Und haben die Stifte in die Hand genommen. 16. ... 17. Und wir sie auch... 18. ... 19. Dabei haben wir erklärt was sie zu tun haben 20. Und die haben gut zugehört 21. Was man sofort sehen kann. 22. Einges war schon geschrieben... 23. Aber es kamen immer weitere Frauen 24. Manche zu Fuß, andere nicht. 25. Was könnte das wohl sein? 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Dann, haben wir SIE getroffen 31. 32. Diese GROSSE .... augen 33. Es eine Offenbarung... 34. Was natürlich nicht normal ist! 35. Aber, wir leben nur einmal. 36. Schnell ein Stückchen abbeissen 37. Ahtung! 38. Hat auch mitgemacht 39. Ganz zum Schluss 40. Die Teilnehmer. Es kommen noch mehrere Fotos auf euch zu...! Die Nächste Aktion findet am 09.09.06 in Frankfurt am Main Bis bald. ;) Lifestyle
  3. The Shocking TRUE Story Of How A Bald, Skinny, 5 Foot 6 NERD Became The World’s Greatest Pick-Up Artist If you’re a guy who has ever been curious about what it takes to seduce women in the real world (as opposed to the watered-down ideas Hollywood would have you believe actually work), or a woman who wondered how real-life “players” really operate, then there is a new book hitting the shelves this week that you absolutely MUST read. Two years ago, Neil Strauss -- Rolling Stone writer and New York Times best-selling biographer of Jenna Jameson and Mötley Crüe -- took what he calls “a journey into one of the oddest and most exciting underground communities that, in more than a dozen years of journalism, I have ever come across.” What followed was a bizarre descent into a world-wide underground subculture where brotherhoods of men, brought together by the internet, congregate and study how to meet, attract, and ultimately bed women. This is an underworld shaded from the public view, filled with colorful characters that have to be seen to be believed. There’s the manic-depressive professional illusionist who moonlights as a personal seduction coach, taking men to clubs at rates of over $1000 a night. There’s the forty-year old failed comedian who hypnotizes women into sleeping with him. There’s the former Real Estate broker who built a financial empire teaching men how to get dates. There’s the two college drop-outs inspired by the movie Fight Club who travel the world creating cults designed to seduce women. And then there’s Neil Strauss himself. As a single male with little personal success with women, Strauss was intrigued by the teachings and colorful personalities in this seduction community. And as a reporter, he wanted to meet these men and find out what made them tick. But as he got sucked deeper and deeper into this subculture and taken under the wings of all its leaders as part of their elite inner-circle, Strauss ceased to be a mere observer and actually became one of its superstars. Before long, Strauss found himself at the center of this secret society. Looked up to by desperate men wanting to learn his secrets, seen as an equal among its best teachers, and widely regarded as one of the biggest innovators in the techniques the community had been created to pioneer, Strauss was no longer documenting the story of this community -- he had suddenly become the story. In his new book, “THE GAME: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pick-up Artists,” Strauss for the first time takes center stage in one of his books as he finds himself at the epicenter of a real-life drama rife with massive egos, shocking betrayals, and cut-throat business rivalries. He soon discovers that what he has entered into has ceased to be about becoming more successful with women, and suddenly become a struggle for his very soul. And probably the most incredible aspect of THE GAME is that… Every single word of it is TRUE. At turns outrageous, hilarious, and upsetting, but always compelling, THE GAME is the first book to venture into this uncharted (and widely unknown) terrain of sexual politics. Men will study it to learn its secret techniques. Women will flock to it to learn how guys think. But no matter what, everyone will enjoy reading this amazing story. Here’s what others are saying about THE GAME: “This book on the Secret Society of Pickup Artists is one of the great surprises you will get from reading a work of non-fiction; no matter how high your expectations are, they will be surpassed by his insight, wit, and clever word-craft. The greatest gift you will get from your time penetrating the game will be to spend several hours in the company of one of America's truly great working writers. You will put this book down after turning the last page and you will feel within yourself that (because of this book) you have become a better person. The man will make you understand that your only limitations are in your own mind.” – Clint Arthur “This book is about how an average guy turns into a better man. It's what every guy wants. After all, what guy hasn't wished that he could have more CHOICE with women- because that’s what we're talking about here. That's what it's really about.” –Blake Richards “His book is fascinating and very true; I strongly recommend it to those guys who mistakenly think they cannot have any woman they want. Neil is a true example of it. While reading it, pay attention to his personality; that's the strongest card he plays and the only one that really matters after all.” –Ivan Alvarado “I can't put it down-already on Chapter 5--Wow! The guys are reading it and the women better read it too.” –Sandy “The book is hilarious, but what really makes it powerful is that it is a tale of self-improvement. Once you get past the lingo, lines, and gimmicks, it's really about an average guy learning to be more confident with himself and women.” –S. Marc “Just finished this book, couldn't put it down. This is an amazing story of a few men, who decided to take their lives and desires in their own hands. Strauss holds nothing back and provides a candid exploration into the psyche of a few guys, who went from being regular average guys to being with some of the most attractive women around...” -- Neeraj Bansal “This is, bar-none, one of the most complete and entertaining guides on the subject of seduction I have ever seen. In fact, I'd rate it up there along side Robert Greene's classic, The Art Of Seduction. This is a must own book.” --Joseph Matthews Due to this special email announcement, you now have the opportunity to get 4 FREE bonus reports to go along with your copy of THE GAME. When you order your own copy through right now, you will also get… ***The Top Ten Mistakes Men Make When Approaching Women --In this amazing special report, seduction expert and New York Times best selling author Neil Strauss tells you the ten things most guys do wrong when trying to meet a woman and what you can do to avoid them! ***The Best Places To Meet Women --Ever wonder what the best places to meet beautiful women are? Well, with this fantastic eBooklet, you won’t have to waste your time trying to figure out where the best women are to be found! ***An Interview With Mystery --One of the main characters of the book, THE GAME, Mystery shares his secrets and techniques in this special tell-all interview. Mystery usually charges thousands of dollars for these secrets, but now they can be yours at absolutely no cost. ***The Game: The Lost Chapter --Want to go further than the book? Here’s a deleted chapter that was too shocking to be kept in the actual print version! Get the full story by checking out this lost chapter to the book THE GAME. So you can get all these great bonuses, plus THE GAME, for only $19.77 if you get the book now off of (that’s 34% off the regular purchase price of $29.95!). Here’s what you get for the super-discounted price of $19.77… --The new novel “The Game: Penetrating The Secret Society Of Pick Up Artists.” --The Top Ten Mistakes Most Men Make When Approaching Women --The Best Places To Meet Women --An Interview With Mystery --The Game: The Lost Chapter --34% off the purchase price! And should you decide you don’t like the book, you can take advantage of’s return policy – and you can keep the bonuses! Even if you get a full refund. This special offer is only available to those who receive this special email announcing the release of Neil’s new book and will only be available for a few days, and you have to act now (and by now, I mean right this second) if you want to take advantage of it. Because come this Sunday this special offer is null and void. So here’s what you do… Get your own copy of this book now at for $19.77 by clicking the link below: Once your order is complete, come back to this email and click on this link: After you click the link above, enter your name, email, and order number. Once you do that, you will be taken to a special website where you will be able to download your FREE BONUSES just for purchasing Neil Strauss’s new book today. Reach out and GRAB this opportunity right now and get your very own copy of this fantastic book. You’ll be glad you did. PS: If you order now, you can get your Four Bonus products for FREE! But this is a limited time deal. Come this Sunday, they’re gone for good!
  4. International European Lair Dear German PUAs, this is RedPriest from Hungary. In Budapest Lair, we've been thinking on a couple of projects recently. The first and most interesting idea is to create a stronger connection between PUAs of different nations. It is very timely, as there are many travelling PUAs around the world already, and we could form a group called International European Lair. It would be an independent lair itself, so it wouldn't be in a higher position than any other lairs, and wouldn't control them in any means. Its purpose would be to make meetings with other PUAs easier, organize regular meetings in your area, and hold an all-european summit each year. Some of you have already heard about the project and support it (thanks for the GREAT letters!), while I'm sure many of you would love to be part of it. Once ready, the Lair will help you on your travels, and lets you meet some of the best PUAs (and some of your new best friends!) in life. If you're interested in making it happen, please send a reply to this mail, and you'll be informed on the current development of the lair, and our other projects (depending on interest). We already got an offer for making a website, if you can help in this, or have ideas for the page, please include it in your letter. More coming soon! Happy new year dudes, keep on sarging! Red Priest (organizing Budapest Lair)
  5. Aktion - „Ich liebe dich für...!“ 9 September - Frankfurt am Main WIR HABEN FRANKFURT GEROCKT!!! Und einen Geilen Abend zum Abschluss gehabt!!! Rein mit dem Feedback zu der Aktion!
  6. Aufschreibende. Die Mädels haben geschrieben, wie sie sich an diesen Heißen Tagen vergnügen ;)
  7. Nachdenkende. Ja Frauen können auch denken, das sieht man deutlich auf den Fotos!
  8. Habe jetzt die neue Forum Version draufgespielt. Werde morgen mir alles genauer anschauen, was mit dem Hacker ist. Eure Feedback ist erwünscht.
  9. Ja, über 400 Stück. Wir werden die Besten auswählen und hier posten.
  10. Steelcore unterstützt uns im technischem, alle Fragen bez. der Sicherheit, Updates, Programmierung usw. Brother Rabbit ist natürlich in Game :)
  11. Lifestyle

    The old one

    Der Alte Forum ist unter abrufbar.
  12. I am in Milano this weekend. If some one want to hunt beautiful models, drop me an sms at +393347178383. Greetz and keep on sargin' Lifestyle.
  13. 1. Besser so, dann kannst du eine hohe Anzahl Anfänger-Fehler vermeiden :) 2. Der älteste Teilnehmer des ESW war um die 55. Das heisst wenn du dich jung genug fühlst um Frauen zu verführen kannst du teilnehmen.
  14. Ich bin im März unterwegs. Sollte ich es bis dahin schaffen wieder in Deutschland zu sein, bin ich auch dabei.
  15. 5 Frauen in 2 Wochen. Ah, sorry, das ist natürlich zufriedenstellend Verführe bessere Frauen, dann wirst du auch mehrmals mit eine Frau schlafen wollen.
  16. Ich bin immer für Fragen offen.
  17. Lifestyle

    Free Pick Up

    Das ist mein Forum, wo ich mache was ich will. Wenn dir irgendetwas nicht gefällt, verabschiede ich mich gerne von dir. bez. der Preis. Ob du es zahlst oder investierst hängt nur von dir ab. Dir würde ich sogar abraten am Workshop teilzunehmen, weil es dir auch nichts bringen wird. Du bist noch nicht bereit dich zu ändern und du willst es auch nicht.
  18. Lifestyle

    Free Pick Up

    Mehr dazu im ES-Players ;)
  19. (Zitat aus ES-Newsletter) Hat sich Team-Stuttgart den Kulturhauptstadt Deutschlands vorgenommen - KARLSRUHE ;=) PUA’s ich danke jedem der schon mal dabei war! NIGA Jahresrückblick: * Feedback zum ERSTEN Treffen in STUTTGART, 29.01.2005 * Feedback zum Treffen in STUTTGART, 14.05.2005 * Feedback zum Treffen in Stuttgart, 28.05.2005 (Crazy-Treffen) * Feedback zumTreffen in Stuttgart, 3.06.2005 * Ergebnisse der Umfrageaktion in STUTTGART, 17.06.2005 (Umfrageaktion für Frauen) * Feedback zum Treffen im Stuttgart, 11.07.2205 (Perfect Wing) * Zauber PickUp in Karlsruhe, 12.08.2005 (Stuttgart goes Karlsruhe) * !!!Aktion - „Pick dir den Jungen auf!“, 30 Juli Stuttgart > Feedback!!! * Feedback zum Regen PickUp, Treffen in Stuttgart am 1 Oktober 2005 * Feedback zum Treffen in Stuttgart/Karlsruhe, 3.12.05 und 16.12.05 PickUp * Experience mit VITAL !, Karlsruhe 16.12.05 Und um das zu Feiern wird im Februar/März 2006 eine NEUE noch verrücktere PU-Aktion in Stuttgart stattfinden! Genauer Termin wird noch bekannt gegeben!!! Viel Erfolg! B) ©VITAL Yeahhh! Let's ROCK THE HOUSE!
  20. Lifestyle

    Free Pick Up

    Falsch. Das ist der Preis, den du investierst um an einem ES Workshop teilzunehmen. Ich vertraue unseren Teilnehmern, weiss auch, dass sie gewisse Kenntnisse haben und Voraussetzungen erfüllen. Das alles erlaubt mir im ES-Players mehr von meiner Seduction Art zu zeigen.
  21. Lifestyle


    Nein! :D