Neil Strauss - The Game

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The Shocking TRUE Story Of How A Bald, Skinny, 5 Foot 6 NERD Became The World’s Greatest Pick-Up Artist

If you’re a guy who has ever been curious about what it takes to seduce women in the real world (as opposed to the watered-down ideas Hollywood would have you believe actually work), or a woman who wondered how real-life “players” really operate, then there is a new book hitting the shelves this week that you absolutely MUST read.

Two years ago, Neil Strauss -- Rolling Stone writer and New York Times best-selling biographer of Jenna Jameson and Mötley Crüe -- took what he calls “a journey into one of the oddest and most exciting underground communities that, in more than a dozen years of journalism, I have ever come across.”

What followed was a bizarre descent into a world-wide underground subculture where brotherhoods of men, brought together by the internet, congregate and study how to meet, attract, and ultimately bed women. This is an underworld shaded from the public view, filled with colorful characters that have to be seen to be believed.

There’s the manic-depressive professional illusionist who moonlights as a personal seduction coach, taking men to clubs at rates of over $1000 a night. There’s the forty-year old failed comedian who hypnotizes women into sleeping with him. There’s the former Real Estate broker who built a financial empire teaching men how to get dates. There’s the two college drop-outs inspired by the movie Fight Club who travel the world creating cults designed to seduce women. And then there’s Neil Strauss himself.

As a single male with little personal success with women, Strauss was intrigued by the teachings and colorful personalities in this seduction community. And as a reporter, he wanted to meet these men and find out what made them tick. But as he got sucked deeper and deeper into this subculture and taken under the wings of all its leaders as part of their elite inner-circle, Strauss ceased to be a mere observer and actually became one of its superstars.

Before long, Strauss found himself at the center of this secret society. Looked up to by desperate men wanting to learn his secrets, seen as an equal among its best teachers, and widely regarded as one of the biggest innovators in the techniques the community had been created to pioneer, Strauss was no longer documenting the story of this community -- he had suddenly become the story.

In his new book, “THE GAME: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pick-up Artists,” Strauss for the first time takes center stage in one of his books as he finds himself at the epicenter of a real-life drama rife with massive egos, shocking betrayals, and cut-throat business rivalries. He soon discovers that what he has entered into has ceased to be about becoming more successful with women, and suddenly become a struggle for his very soul. And probably the most incredible aspect of THE GAME is that…

Every single word of it is TRUE.

At turns outrageous, hilarious, and upsetting, but always compelling, THE GAME is the first book to venture into this uncharted (and widely unknown) terrain of sexual politics. Men will study it to learn its secret techniques. Women will flock to it to learn how guys think. But no matter what, everyone will enjoy reading this amazing story.

Here’s what others are saying about THE GAME:

“This book on the Secret Society of Pickup Artists is one of the great surprises you will get from reading a work of non-fiction; no matter how high your expectations are, they will be surpassed by his insight, wit, and clever word-craft.

The greatest gift you will get from your time penetrating the game will be to spend several hours in the company of one of America's truly great working writers. You will put this book down after turning the last page and you will feel within yourself that (because of this book) you have become a better person. The man will make you understand that your only limitations are in your own mind.” – Clint Arthur

“This book is about how an average guy turns into a better man. It's what every guy wants. After all, what guy hasn't wished that he could have more CHOICE with women- because that’s what we're talking about here. That's what it's really about.” –Blake Richards

“His book is fascinating and very true; I strongly recommend it to those guys who mistakenly think they cannot have any woman they want. Neil is a true example of it. While reading it, pay attention to his personality; that's the strongest card he plays and the only one that really matters after all.” –Ivan Alvarado

“I can't put it down-already on Chapter 5--Wow! The guys are reading it and the women better read it too.” –Sandy

“The book is hilarious, but what really makes it powerful is that it is a tale of self-improvement. Once you get past the lingo, lines, and gimmicks, it's really about an average guy learning to be more confident with himself and women.” –S. Marc

“Just finished this book, couldn't put it down. This is an amazing story of a few men, who decided to take their lives and desires in their own hands. Strauss holds nothing back and provides a candid exploration into the psyche of a few guys, who went from being regular average guys to being with some of the most attractive women around...” -- Neeraj Bansal

“This is, bar-none, one of the most complete and entertaining guides on the subject of seduction I have ever seen. In fact, I'd rate it up there along side Robert Greene's classic, The Art Of Seduction. This is a must own book.” --Joseph Matthews

Due to this special email announcement, you now have the opportunity to get 4 FREE bonus reports to go along with your copy of THE GAME.

When you order your own copy through right now, you will also get…

***The Top Ten Mistakes Men Make When Approaching Women

--In this amazing special report, seduction expert and New York Times best selling author Neil Strauss tells you the ten things most guys do wrong when trying to meet a woman and what you can do to avoid them!

***The Best Places To Meet Women

--Ever wonder what the best places to meet beautiful women are? Well, with this fantastic eBooklet, you won’t have to waste your time trying to figure out where the best women are to be found!

***An Interview With Mystery

--One of the main characters of the book, THE GAME, Mystery shares his secrets and techniques in this special tell-all interview. Mystery usually charges thousands of dollars for these secrets, but now they can be yours at absolutely no cost.

***The Game: The Lost Chapter

--Want to go further than the book? Here’s a deleted chapter that was too shocking to be kept in the actual print version! Get the full story by checking out this lost chapter to the book THE GAME.

So you can get all these great bonuses, plus THE GAME, for only $19.77 if you get the book now off of (that’s 34% off the regular purchase price of $29.95!).

Here’s what you get for the super-discounted price of $19.77…

--The new novel “The Game: Penetrating The Secret Society Of Pick Up Artists.”

--The Top Ten Mistakes Most Men Make When Approaching Women

--The Best Places To Meet Women

--An Interview With Mystery

--The Game: The Lost Chapter

--34% off the purchase price!

And should you decide you don’t like the book, you can take advantage of’s return policy – and you can keep the bonuses! Even if you get a full refund.

This special offer is only available to those who receive this special email announcing the release of Neil’s new book and will only be available for a few days, and you have to act now (and by now, I mean right this second) if you want to take advantage of it. Because come this Sunday this special offer is null and void.

So here’s what you do…

Get your own copy of this book now at for $19.77 by clicking the link below:

Once your order is complete, come back to this email and click on this link:

After you click the link above, enter your name, email, and order number. Once you do that, you will be taken to a special website where you will be able to download your FREE BONUSES just for purchasing Neil Strauss’s new book today.

Reach out and GRAB this opportunity right now and get your very own copy of this fantastic book. You’ll be glad you did.

PS: If you order now, you can get your Four Bonus products for FREE! But this is a limited time deal. Come this Sunday, they’re gone for good!

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Ich raffs irgendwie nich ganz. Also ich versteh nich wo der Vorteil ist. Die ganzen Bonustexte sind frei erhältlich im Internet und der Preis war doch auch vorher schon so oder?

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ab sofort auch in Deutsch erhältlich (ebay!, oder bis Februar im normalen Buchhandel) unter dem Titel:

Die perfekte Masche

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Hamse sich ja echt mal nen tollen Titel einfallen lassen...WOW! *würg* :angry:

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Ja, die Marketingleute, die sich diesen Titel haben einfallen lassen, gehören echt entlassen :blink: Aber gut, wenn der Titel schon so schlecht ist, will ich gar nicht wissen, wie die Übersetzung ist :angry:

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Ja die übersetzng wird mich mal interessieren.

Ich und mein gepfauhahnter Flügel waren mal wieder auf HB10 Jagd. Mein inneres spiel war total hinunter also haben wir uns zunächst mit ein paar geringen status sets aufgepusht ;)

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...ich beschloss den eifersüchtige Freundin Meinungsöffner zu verwenden um anschliessend mit ein bisschen Plüschgespräch unter ihren Radar zu schlüpfen! :D

OHHH scheisse, ich spamme gerade oder? :blink:

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Ich hab die englische Fassung in die Hände gekriegt, und als ich angefangen habe zu lesen konnte ich nicht mehr aufhören. Als ich zur Hälfte durch war blickte ich auf die Uhr ... es war 5 Uhr morgens, und ich mußte noch arbeiten. Das sagt alles.

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Die deutsche Übersetzung is extrem schlecht! Es werden vor allem sehr viele Wörter mit negativen Konnotationen verwendet (aufreißen, Masche, Loser) ...Warum fragen die nicht MICH? ;)

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Die deutsche Übersetzung is extrem schlecht! Es werden vor allem sehr viele Wörter mit negativen Konnotationen verwendet (aufreißen, Masche, Loser) ...Warum fragen die nicht MICH? ;)

Ich hab' versucht, den Verlag wegen einer Jargonkorrektur zu kontakten, aber bis ich mich von

Agent zu Agent durchgefragt hatte, war's schon zu spät und das Buch announced (also im Druck).

Schade: Pech für Neil, den Verlag und alle AFCs, die zu faul für das Original sind.

Gut für alle "PU wird öffentlich"-Paranoiker ;-)

PS: Ist's wirklich SO schlimm?

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Die deutsche Übersetzung is extrem schlecht! Es werden vor allem sehr viele Wörter mit negativen Konnotationen verwendet (aufreißen, Masche, Loser) ...Warum fragen die nicht MICH? ;)

lol... das hat anscheinend jemand übersetzt, der mit PU nullkommanix am Hut hat...

Oder jemand, der sehr viel Ahnung hat und die Community vor einer Schwemme bewahren wollte.

Würde ich zu gerne mal sehen!

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Nee oder? Wer gibt denn bitte 116 Euro für ein Buch aus???

ist doch ne dvd ;)

Sogar eine Doppel DVD. Also total gerechtfertigter Preis. Das sind bestimmt insgesamt 3-4 Stunden unveröffentlichtes Material. Ein Schnäppchen also.

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Nee oder? Wer gibt denn bitte 116 Euro für ein Buch aus???

ist doch ne dvd ;)

Sogar eine Doppel DVD. Also total gerechtfertigter Preis. Das sind bestimmt insgesamt 3-4 Stunden unveröffentlichtes Material. Ein Schnäppchen also.

Ja ne is klar! :D

Betonung auf unveröffentlicht... ;)

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Hi PUAs und die die es werden wollen....

Eine DVD ist schön und gut, aber ich hab mal hier ein Update.

Es ist ein Auszug aus "Die perfekte Masche" und die jenigen die sich das durchlesen, die bemerken bestimmt wie die Fachbegriffe verändert wurden...

wing = eskorte

AFC = EFL usw.

Aber ich finde das lässt sich ziemlich gut lesen...


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EFL, Mystery-Masche, Radarschirm, Interessensindikatoren... wenigstens heißt es immernoch Opener.



das Buch ist interessant, ja, aber die Übersetzung ist gruselig, schäußlich und hässlich. Unglaublich, dass sowas durchgeht!

Ich hoffe, die Elite bleibt hier beim alten guten Englisch!

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ich für meinen Teil finde die Übersetzung eigentlich auch schön zu lesen. Klar klingen deutsche Begriffe zuerst recht absonderlich. aber schlimm und gruselig ist das nicht.

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haha ich bin ja mal gespannt wie das so wird!!!

gibts noch paar andere gute Sachen auf Deutsch???

Wer später zu meinem Buch Dealer fahren


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äh...die DVD hat ja nicht mal was mit Style zu tun...das ist von wem ganz anders seh ich gerade...dafür ists dann doch eine ganze Menge Holz...

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Habe das gerade aus nem anderem Forum, sieht so aus als hätte Style seine One-itis verloren-an Robbie Williams, Bericht stand im Daily Mirror

Eventuell kommt er nun zurück in die Community, glaub Amog Taktiken sind bei Robbie schwer anzuwenden. Trotzdem mehr als schade für Style, hatte das Gefühl, dass er echt glücklich mit Lisa war.

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Robbie falls for hell-raising mate of rock-chick Courtney

Robbie Williams has fallen big time for a hell-raising girl rock guitarist who is SIX FEET tall.

Friends say 5ft 10in Robbie is 'smitten' with Lisa Leveridge and they have gone on a series of dates including a romantic dinner on Valentines Day. Robbie, 31 was introuduced to Lisa, 36, by her best friend Courtney Love. They play together in Courtney's all girl punk band, The Chelsea, only last year Robbie moaned that he had not had a 'real girlfriend' for six years. But one of his friends revealed last night 'Robie is completely bowled over by Lisa. Not only is she stunning, but she's bright and very straight talking'.

'They met around Christmas and hit it off immediately. He's hoping that he's finally found someone he can have a proper relationship with. She understands the showbiz thing and has been a bit of a wild child, so they have a lot in common.'

Teetotal Robbie and Lisa first met at Teddy's Bar at the Roosevelt Hotel in Hollywood. Since then, they have enjoyed intimate dates at the trendy Chateau Marmont Hotel on Sunset Boulevard where Robbie's been staying in a 2,000 a night suite.

Robbie's been inked to a string of women including Nicole Appleton and Nicole Kidman.

Lisa dumped her boyfriend sex guru and best-selling author Neill Strauss, 35, shortly after meeting the Robster.

Asked about Robbie in Los Angeles last night, Lisa said 'Oh God. What? Oh goodness. There's no comment. Thank you so much. Goodbye".

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Und bei Thundercat gerade der Widerruf, also doch nichts dran?

"Neil Strauss Break-Up Rumors

Okay, there's been a lot of hub-bub about a story in the gossip rag Sunday Mirror about Lisa Levridge breaking up with Neil Strauss to date musician Robbie Williams. You can find the story here. There are also a few mASF threads on the topic here and here.

I got a lot of emails from you guys over the weekend concerning this story, so I went right to the source. Since I know both Neil and Lisa, I decided to contact them and see what was up, especially since you can trust the Sunday Mirror about as much as you can trust Page 6, which is wrong about 90% of the time.

Here's what I was told:

1. Neil has NOT been dumped by Lisa.

2. Lisa is NOT dating Robbie Williams. They're just friends.

3. That story was the result of a rumor someone close to Lisa started while drunk.

Here's something from Neil directly regarding this issue:

Neil Strauss writes:

Lisa is pretty damn fabulous when she goes out: confident, tall, charismatic, fun, etc. Everyone always wants to be her friend. So Robbie Williams was just one of many of the famous guys who've given her their phone number. And a certain tabloid-loving female friend of hers got so excited about it that she blabbed it to the world.

Last I heard, Robbie Williams and Shakira were an item.

So there you go. That's all I know on the subject."

bearbeitet von BigMike

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hatte heute morgen im relay (bahnhofs-buchhandlung) eine deutsche Ausgabe in der Hand!

Die Übersetzung ist noch grausamer, als ich es gedacht hab ^^

Das ganze Buch klingt, als hätte es kein Niveau.

bearbeitet von confusion

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