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David DeAngelo - Double Your Dating - What Évery Man Should Now

Eintrag erstellt von Donatello · - 2893 Ansichten

Tell Woman something, that no one has ever told her...


- You don't have me fooled for a minute, dear.

- What are you talking about?

- Well, i know that most men fall for this: " I'am beautiful and aloof and i get my way" part of your personality...But i know something that none of them know...that there's really another side of you. A side that none of them get to see. I'll bet you a dollar right now that i know something about you that no one who's only known you for 5 minutes has ever known....You may act tough, but you're are extremely sensitiv on the side. If someome makes a negative comment to you, you might act like it doesn't bother you...But you think about it all the way home...I know that secretly you're as sensitiv as a little girl...It's just that most people never get to meet that part of you...

Do not kiss ass or do things for them like everyone else.

- Tease her and make fun of her insecurities

- Reframe other men who kiss their ass

- put beaty in a new light ( as a curse etc. how she can never have anyone see her for who she truly is)

Woman detect insecurity and neediness instantly:

- Hanging on a woman

-Talking or saying things about woman or past girlfriends

- Having emotional responses to things. If it's obvious to am woman that yóu will get upset about things easily, then she will jufge you to be insecure.

-Looking to others to make dicisions

-Saying or doing things to just to be noticed or to get compliments

-Arguing. Do it in a funny way, not in a serious way.

Women slot men into a few main categories:

- Not interested at all

- Interested as a friend

- Interested in a long-term relationship

- Interested in a sexual relationship

Here's the interesting part: If a woman sees a man as a good potetial "long term mate", she usually hold back the sex.

On the other hand, if she gets sexually involved with a man, she's will usuallystill be open for a LTR.

Most men who would like sex make the mistake of doing things like taking woman to dinner, buying them gifts, and being romantic in general. This triggers the "Hey, this guy is good long term material" category in the woman's mind, and they hold back sex.

But if am man does things to turn woman on early in the game and she gets sexually involved, he can choose where he wants the relationship to go.

The Six Things That Attract Women:

1.) Means

2.) Power

3.) Fame

4.) Looks

5.) Exklusivity

6.) Personality

Your personality is the most powerful weapon you have:


-Intelligent and Creative

- Educated

- classy and cultured

- Dominant

- Thoughful

- Notices Significant Details

- Unpredictable/ Predictable

- Enthusiastic, Fun, Happy

- Adventurous

- Aggressive

- Confident/ Cooky: Tom Cruise: Top Gun, Pierre Brosnan : Thomas Crown, Clark Gable: Gone with the Wind

- Expertise

- Attention

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