Der Unterschied zwischen Abundance & alpha --> Krauser
Eintrag erstellt von Vierviersieben · - 2483 Ansichten
Was passiert, wenn jemand Beta bleibt (-->inner game), aber durch Leistung, Geld oder Zufall (siehe Bild) in die SItuation gerät, abundance zu haben?
Krauser beantwortet dies:
[Link Editiert]
[Link Editiert]. It is a way of relating to the world, to girls, the male rivals, and fundamentally comes down to having an internal reference point. Abundance is a condition. It is the actual real-world situation of having lots of girls wanting to fuck you. To split hairs, abundance is not about the girls you’re fucking now, it’s about your self-belief in your ability to fuck new girls in the near future. Naturally, being alpha is a predictable (but not 100% certain) cause of abundance because girls are attracted to alpha. But, it is possible for a beta to engineer / encounter circumstances which give him the condition of abundance.
- White gamma guy goes to Japan / Phillipines
- Top athlete attains fame and status
- Normal guy appears on reality TV show
- Rock guitarist in band that achieves fame
- Successful businessman hires female employees
Mid-abundance, low alpha
There are many situations in which a man can become The Chosen without requiring a fundamental change to his mindset. It’s like the difference between getting rich from building a business versus buying a lottery ticket. The bank balance is the same, no matter how it was obtained. I think this explains the common mis-identification of alphas as “any guy getting laid a lot”. Once a beta is living in abundance he will naturally take on the IDGAF mindset because it’s a result of options rather than internal referencing. He really has more female options than time and motivation to bang them all, so he can aggressively filter, go direct, and walk away at any point. Just review James Franco’s text message exchange.
Is Franco also alpha? I don’t know. However, that text exchange is pure abundance mentality.
So a lesson for any aspiring player is to work for abundance as well as alpha. Abundance can come from hosting VIP tables in a nightclub, working as a dive instructor at a backpacker resort, owning a strip club or (in my case) travelling in countries where I’m shiny and then aggressively number-farming. That gives you the IDGAF from plate spinning.
It is not a reason to abandon the quest for alpha (or in my case, sigma). And the reason is:
- Betas will always eventually lose abundance
- Betas will always get rolled by a predatory female
Vereinfacht gesagt:
Abundance ist ein Zustand (irgendein zufälliger Zustand genügt!), der zu vielen Frauenkontakten führt - ein alpha-artiges mindset ist aber ein tatsächlich erreichter Entwicklungsstand.
Zustände und Zufälle kommen und gehen - Persönlichkeit bleibt bestehen, wenn gepflegt.
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