Eintrag erstellt von Vierviersieben · - 1419 Ansichten
Alle PU-Foren nun überflüssig? Nicht ganz, aber immerhin...zumindest manche "Diskussionen" erübrigen sich noch mehr, als sie es ohnehinschon für jeden tun, der sich in-field begibt und nicht gender-studies-verseucht ist...
Quantifying the strength and form of sexual selection on men's traits
A rapidly growing literature suggests that sexual selection has shaped men's phenotypic traits.
Men's bodies, faces and voices exhibit features that are highly sexually differentiated and develop at sexual maturity.
These traits also appear to aid in competition for mates. In men, more masculine, muscular bodies and tall stature predict
reported number of sexual partners and perceptions of attractiveness and dominance.
Masculine faces also convey dominance
and some studies have found that women prefer masculine male faces,
particularly during the fertile phase of the ovulatory cycle.
Similarly, masculine voices have been found to predict men's number of reported sex partners. In addition, masculine acoustic features,
such as deep timbre and low pitch influence perceptions of both dominance and attractiveness, the latter particularly during the fertile phase of the ovulatory cycle...
Was "PU sagt" stimmt, was andere sagen ist crap: Sozialer Status, Dominanz, Körper, bei positiv-wirkmächtiger Ausstrahlung.
Moreover, there was positive correlational selection on dominance and sociosexual psychology, such that positive sociosexual attitudes and desires contributed moreto mating success as men's dominance increased. This would be expected if dominant men can more readily satisfy their interests in
uncommitted sex.
Was "PU sagt" stimmt, Teil II - ABER: Schön brav "non-judgmental" sein usw. bringt nur dann was, wenn auch die Dominanz und der Status stimmen.
Generally, dominance and the traits favored by male contests predicted mating success, but attractiveness and the
traits favored by female choice did not.
Frauen haben keine Ahnung, worauf Frauen wirklich stehen, d.h. wen sie ficken.
Bitte weniger "Was-sagen-cats-HB"-dazu Fetisch in PU, thx.
At the same time, these results appear incompatible with the apparent autonomy with which Western women choose their mates.
Frauen haben keien Ahnung, worauf Frauen stehen - Teil II
+ Bonuspunkte: LOL @ Feminismus
One possibility is that female choice determines men's mating success, but women choose dominant men (i.e., men's attractiveness
and dominance are functionally equivalent). However, women preferred different traits from those favored under male contests,
and dominance rather than attractiveness predicted men's mating success. Another possibility is that women choose from among
dominant men—that is, men's attractiveness and dominance positively interact, so that the influence of attractiveness
on matingsuccess increases with increasing dominance.
Ergebnis der Diskussion auf deutsch:
Was "PU sagt" stimmt in dem Sinne, dass es zu Sex führt - Frauen selektieren (mit starkem Fokus auf POSITIVER sozialer Dominanz) die immer gleichen Männer mit den immer gleichen Grundeigenschaften, die eben die das "alpha-tingle" auslösen, also sehr nahe an die biologischen trigger rangehen.
Second, the population that we sampled may differ in important ways from those in which men's sexually selected traits
were shaped over human evolution. Yet, we note similarities between some traditional societies and American university social
fraternities: both small groups of allied males with a high degree of social conformity and an ethos of hegemonic masculinity who interact regularly with the same females.
Grenzen und Limits der Studie - was für die Wissenschaft ein Nachteil ist (es geht um junge, sexuall aktive, normale westliche Menschen / nicht generalisierbar auf alles & jeden) ist für den PU-Interessenten sogar noch die Stärke der Studie.
Fourth, our data on mating success were based on self-report,which may be unreliable.
Ein schwerer Nachteil!
Komplett unzuverlässig - aber wen interessiert es schon, wenn es nicht um "reine Wissenschaft" sondern um "soziale Realität" geht, die ohnehin zum Großteil im Kopf entsteht?
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