Eintrag erstellt von DerTed · - 1011 Ansichten
Life is unfair. You put someone first who puts you second. You study your ass off for a final only to get a C. You give 110% to someone in a relationship who only gives 40%. Youre there for a best friend at 3:00am and the next day they dont pick up their phone. It seems like youre giving everyone everything and theyre just walking away with it.
Im a paradox. I want to be happy, but I think of things that make me sad. Im lazy, yet Im ambitious. I dont like myself, but I also love who I am. I say I dont care, but I really do. I crave attention, but reject it when it comes my way. Im a conflicted contradiction. If I cant figure myself out, theres no way anyone else has.
I think its so sweet when people remember lil things about me but I feel like such a creep when I remember things about people
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