Hallo Deutschland...(english)
Eintrag erstellt von practice · - 111099 Ansichten
Hello guys... i am not german so i dont now to speak your language, i hope i can fix this in less then one year. I just started my story here in Germany and i will post here some of my thoughts. Anyway i am a romanian guy that decide to travel around the world. I was first in Amsterdam, stay there some time, and then i want to hitchhiking to Romania, i had in my way Germany, i stoped at some friends here to rest a couples of days. I ended with decision to stay here longer.
About me... i dont realy enjoy talking about me because then i will sound like arrogand, i know a bit about seduction, but i didn`t go into this so much. I am living in Bendorf, Koblenz and if it someone around there we can meet.
I want to start in one-two months a project about picking up and it will be big... i want to do something like the simple pick up did in America..but i have to take it step by step. I know that will be hard, but maybe if i meet someone interested to be a part of that little world will be easier.
The scop of this will be to motivate other people, encourage guys all over to pick up, to talk, to enjoy their lifes. I saw many boys that have problem with talking, fear about rejection, loosing the control and i hope that how little will be my step i will help on some ways.
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