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Make like John Travolta: Dancefloor Game - Gambler

Eintrag erstellt von Engine · - 664 Ansichten

Hi Engine,

Let's say you've improved your game. Let's say you're comfortable picking up girls in Starbucks. Let's say you've pulled in a quiet bar and maybe you've even managed to charm the cute girl you met in the frozen food aisle at Tesco... Not bad, but the nightclub will still be one of the best hunting grounds and the environment there is a little different. How do you approach a girl who can't hear you and is dancing with her friends? Sound tough? I have good news for you - it isn't. It's easy - and it's fun, too.

The first thing you need to do is to differentiate yourself from the other guys on the dance floor. The best way to do this is to avoid all the mistakes that they are making. The odds are good that they will be making one of the following errors:

• Just loitering around the girls, checking them out, not dancing;

• Trying to get to the girls while only half-heartedly making an attempt to dance; and

• Grinding on a girl's ass.

All bad. Very bad. The result of these kinds of approaches will be variable, but none of them will get anything that I'd recommend. You'll only attract certain kinds of girl (I'm being diplomatic here) responding to approaches like these and that kind is not the sort that you are after.

So now you know what not to do, how do you actually pick-up girls on the dancefloor? Here's how:

• Have fun dancing around. Don't try to get near your target.

• Enjoy yourself and enjoy the music. A guy having fun on the dance-floor immediately stands out. Women will move away from the weird guys and gather around you.

• Mirror your target's dancing in an exaggerated, funny way. Make eye contact with her and force a positive reaction. When you've done that you can move in and dance with her;

• Have a "dance-off." Gesture to get her attention, bust a silly little move, and then point at her expectantly. If she reacts positively, you can move in and dance with her;

• On the edge of the dance-floor with girls that are not quite dancing, ask if they like to dance. If they say yes, ask if they like salsa. Don't give them a chance to answer as you take them by the hand and start dancing with them. You only need a few salsa lessons to master the basic steps and those are all that you need.

The goal on the dance floor is to dance with them, escalate physically a little bit, and then lead them to a quieter location where she is isolated and you can talk to her. Sit down or go to the bar with her.

When you have mastered dance-floor game, you'll be able to pick-up women non-verbally in a highly sexual environment. It's a rare skill and you'll quickly see results. It's tricky to explain everything about this talent without being able to show you a demonstration. You won't be surprised to hear that we have a section of dancefloor game on our bootcamp where we show you exactly what we are talking about. And then we let you loose in a club in the evening and offer constant feedback on your performance. Drop me a line if you'd like to learn a little more about what you can expect.

Until next time,


PS: The next email is a belter. How to tell if a girl is interested in you...

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