Head in the air
Eintrag erstellt von sigh · - 1303 Ansichten
I've got my head in the air
I've got my feet on the ground
I'm on the top of the world
And I been looking down
I'm holding on to the sun
I won't come down 'till I'm done
We're gonna to climb to the stars
We've got run baby run
I'm catching up to my soul
I'm rolling out of controle
If you can see me up high
It's 'cause you're looking from low
So baby give me your hand
I'll pull you up from the land
We're gonna fly to the stars
The sky is mine to command.
Seven to One
We've got to get this thing done
We've a never to die
Because we're under the gun
We're rolling over a stoneI'm getting skinned to the bone
If we can keep it alive
we get to reep what we've sewn
A love and leaving it man
He's taking off with the band
And when you see him in time
He'll gain a legion of fans
I'm growing taller than trees
It's only up to my knees
But by the way that it sways
I'd say it's caught in the breeze
I'm only here in my mind
You hear me echo in time
And if you call out my name
You'll get an answer in kind
And I'll come down from the clouds
And you can have me around
We'll be domestic by day
And in the night hit the town
We go and howl at the moon
Come home in late afternoon
If you've got something to try
I guess we're doing that too
So baby give me your hand
And we'll fly over the land
We're gonna pilot the sky
We're gonna crash if we land
Fame I know your name
You keep your things in a box
And you're leaving today
I know your face
And you rise to the occasional lie
I keep my head in the air
I keep feet on the ground
I'm on the top of the world
And I been looking down
I'm holding on to the sun
I won't come down 'till I'm done
We're gonna to climb to the stars
We've got run baby run
I'm catching up to my soul
I'm rolling out of controle
If you can see me up high
It's 'cause you're looking from low
So baby give me your hand
I'll pull you up from the land
We're gonna fly to the stars
The sky is mine to command.
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