Natural Game vs Technical Game : Which one fits better for beginners
they are people who have born with this natural charisma and natural game. but they are few. others has to learn how to be confident, how to have charisma, ...
From my experience in game, both methods works, you can start with natural game or use technics methods(with routines), if you are consistent and go infield you will 100% get results.
Time makes a huge difference
so what's really make difference between both methods, is Time. For a shy guy: it will take him a long time to learn natural game and results will make time to come.
but when you will start getting results it will be perfect.
On the other hand using a method helps you, to copy what those charismatic guys do, and apply then as Skills. at the beginning it feels unnatural but with time and practice, you really get good results and faster. at some point you will not even need routines and other Technics because you will have already acquired enough confidence and charisma.
there is also another question that needed to be asked : Are all women natural?
the answer is No.
Woman do makeup, to look better than the really are.(some guys get really surprised after a lair, when they wake with the same girl with a different face).
that being said, for a man makeup is learning skills that shows him look charismatic and confident than he probably is. As we are ok with women doing makeup. them knowing that you learn skills should not be a problem for them too.
I told some girls that I was learning game and they were a lot of them who was curious about it and found that interesting.( by the way it's a good conversation for escalation).
who should use Technical methods(and routines):
- When you're infield with a set and sometimes you don't know what to do next, what is the next move.
- When you feel like you did a move too earlier or to late.
- If you don't know why women behave in a certain way… why she didn't answer to my messages ? why she didn't come to the date? why did she change her mind? - when you are a shy person.
now you know the difference, if you have other questions or want to learn some methods, feel free to ask in the comments below. I will be glad to answer you!
- Gali